Monday, March 5, 2012

My little... Rant

Okay- so as you can probably assume from the title- I really just sorta feel like ranting today: and based off the fact that this IS MY blog- I've decided to do it...

Now, what I say may make you uncomfortable. That's good. It means that you're reading something that makes you feel guilty. I like it when I make people feel guilty- It means that I've main a lasting effect- whatever that might be... But if you feel uncomfortable- DON'T STOP READING. That just means that you are making the decision to ignore my words and ignore the fact that you've done something WRONG.

Ok... so here I go, prepare to feel uncomfortable:

If you have a person that you know that you don't particuarilly like- tell them. I mean- I've had an experience similar to the one that I'm about to describe, and seriously! It's not fun! Really- you may think that you're being 'nice' by not just being frank and saying "I don't like you, go away.” But seriously people!!! Use your brain. (That’s what they’re there for you know- thinking!) That person probably believes that you are their friend, and as a result, that they are your friend! Don’t let them just go along thinking this- you’re just making things worse! Talk to them, and at least try to see around the bad things… I mean you seriously can post a reply that says “Bla, bla, bla; I don’t have anything bad things with my character; bla, bla, bla…” And… Well… If you can- I find you to be a huge self-absorbed brat. Enough Said.

- Sincerely -
